- latarəngi
- (Bakı)bax latayir
Azərbaycan dilinin dialektoloji lüğəti. Redaktorlar: A.A.Axundov, Q.Ş.Kazımov, S.M.Behbudov.. 2007.
Azərbaycan dilinin dialektoloji lüğəti. Redaktorlar: A.A.Axundov, Q.Ş.Kazımov, S.M.Behbudov.. 2007.
List of ethnic, regional, and folk dances sorted by origin — This is a list of ethnic, folk, traditional, regional, or otherwise traditionally assiciated with a particular ethnicity, dances , grouped by ethnicity, country or region. These dances should also be listed on the general, noncategorized index… … Wikipedia