- qazı-qazı
- qazı-qazı danışmağ:(Biləsuvar)
Azərbaycan dilinin dialektoloji lüğəti. Redaktorlar: A.A.Axundov, Q.Ş.Kazımov, S.M.Behbudov.. 2007.
Azərbaycan dilinin dialektoloji lüğəti. Redaktorlar: A.A.Axundov, Q.Ş.Kazımov, S.M.Behbudov.. 2007.
Qazi Abdul Majeed Abid — or Qazi Abid (Urdu: قاضی عبد ل مجید عابد ), as he was known, was a prominent politician and journalist from Hyderabad, Sindh, Pakistan. Qazi Abid held several positions in the Federal Cabinet of numerous Pakistani Prime Ministers. His positions… … Wikipedia
Qazi Nurullah Shustari — Life (1549 A.D. 1610) Also known as Shaheed e Salis was an eminent Jurist (Faqih scholar of Fiqh) and scholar (alim) of his time. Qazi Zia ud Din Nurullah Shustari known as Amir Sayyid and Shaheed i Thalis was born in 956 A.H./ at Shushtar, one… … Wikipedia
Qazi Mohammed — (kurdisch: قازی محهممهد [qɑːˈziː mɪhəˈmːəd], persisch قاضی محمد [ɢɔːˈziː moɦæˈmːæd]; * 1900 oder 1901; † 30. März 1947 in Mahabad) war der einzige Regierungschef der kurzlebigen Republik Kurdistan. Er entstammte einer angesehenen… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Qazi Anwar Hussain — Qazi Anwar Husain or Vidyut Mitra (pen Name) or Shamsuddin Nawab (pen Name) is an author, publisher and translator from Bangladesh.FamilyQazi Anwar Hussain s father was a well known scientist and author, Qazi Motahar Hossain, a national… … Wikipedia
Qazi Mahbub Hussain — (died 2006) is a Bangladeshi writer, the first Bangladesh writer of westerns.LifeMahbub Hussain s father was a well known scientist and author, National Professor Qazi Motahar Hussain. Famous writer and publisher Qazi Anwar Hussain is his elder… … Wikipedia
Qazi Hussain — may refer to:*Qazi Hussain Ahmad *Qazi Anwar Hussain *Qazi Mahbub Hussain … Wikipedia
Qazi Nisar Ahmed — (Urdu: قاضی نثار احمد) is a Sunni Muslim cleric and chief of the Tanzeem Ahle Sunnah wal Jamaat in Northern Areas, Pakistan. [cite news|publisher=South Asia Intelligence Review|url=http://www.satp.org/satporgtp/sair/Archives/4 16.htm|title=Gilgit … Wikipedia
Qazi Imdadul Haq — (1882 ndash;1926), a renowned Bangladeshi author, was born in Khulna. Writing careerQazi Imdadul Haq had a very clear view of Muslim society and tried to clean up the wrong point of view of Bengali Muslims. His literary works were included in the … Wikipedia
Qazi Mohamed Shamsuddin — was one of the Chief Justices of the Maldives.Ancestry ahnentafel compact12 style=font size: 90%; line height: 110%; border=1 boxstyle=padding top: 0; padding bottom: 0; boxstyle 1=background color: #fcc; boxstyle 2=background color: #fb9;… … Wikipedia
Qazi Fazlullah Ubaidullah — (Urdu: قاضی فضل الله عبيد الله ) was a politician from Sindh, Pakistan. Qazi Fazlullah Ubaidullah was Chief Minister of Sindh from May 8, 1950 to March 24, 1951.###@@@KEY@@@###succession box |title=Chief Minister of Sindh years=8 May, 1950 24… … Wikipedia