
bax xətəmi. – Fizzənin bağında xətmi çoxdu

Azərbaycan dilinin dialektoloji lüğəti. . 2007.

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Смотреть что такое "xətmi" в других словарях:

  • TMI — can be an abbreviation for:Places* Three Mile Island Nuclear Generating Station, a nuclear power station in Pennsylvania, U.S. * Three Mile Island, a common term for a 1979 accident at the station * Three Mile Island (book) by J. Samuel Walker,… …   Wikipedia

  • tmı̏ca — ž 〈G mn tmîcā〉 tmina …   Veliki rječnik hrvatskoga jezika

  • tmı̏na — tmı̏n|a ž 〈G mn tmînā〉 tama, mrak, pomrčina [»To tvojoj slobodi smiju se pređi nestali u ∼u.« D. Cesarić]; tmica …   Veliki rječnik hrvatskoga jezika

  • TMi — Infobox Television show name = TMi (Too Much information) caption = The TMi logo format = Children s picture format = 16:9 runtime = 2 hrs 45 mins (Series 1) 1 hr 30 mins (Series 2) 1 hr 30 mins (Series 3) creator = starring = Sam Nixon Mark… …   Wikipedia

  • TMI — The Episcopal School of Texas — Infobox Private School name = TMI The Episcopal School of Texas motto= Nihil Supra Mores/ Ducit Qui Servit established = 1893 type = Preparatory, Boarding religion = Episcopal head name = Headmaster head = James Freeman, Ph. D. city = San Antonio …   Wikipedia

  • TMI Mudlib — The TMI Mudlib from The Mud Institute was an attempt to create a framework driven mudlib for the MudOS LPMud driver. It consisted of many contributors to MudOS as well as people who became influential in the LPMud community. When TMI began work… …   Wikipedia

  • TMI — f1 Kernkraftwerk Three Mile Island Kernkraftwerk von Three Mile Island, in dem es 1979 zur Kernschmelze kam …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • TMI — noun a) trimethylindium, the most preferred metallorganic source of Indium used in MOCVD of compound semiconductors for opto electronics applications. He began to talk about his last trip to the underwear store. I told him, TMI! b) Too much… …   Wiktionary

  • TMI — 1) Too Much Information. For when someone has told you something you really didn t want to know. You ve got a rash on your rearend? Lovely, but that s TMI. 2) Too Much Information. TMI. I don t want to hear the details of your foot operation …   Dictionary of american slang

  • TMI — 1) Too Much Information. For when someone has told you something you really didn t want to know. You ve got a rash on your rearend? Lovely, but that s TMI. 2) Too Much Information. TMI. I don t want to hear the details of your foot operation …   Dictionary of american slang

  • TMI — Taux de Mortalité Infantile. Nombre de décès d enfants de moins d un an, pour 1 000 naissances vivantes en une année (on ne compte donc pas la mortinatalité). Quelques exemples de TMI en 2000: japon = 3,4; France = 4,4; Israël = 5,3; Royaume Uni …   Sigles et Acronymes francais

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