
bax süğmə. – Süymə iki haçanın arasına qoyulan ağaşdı

Azərbaycan dilinin dialektoloji lüğəti. . 2007.

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Смотреть что такое "süymə" в других словарях:

  • SUYM — abbr. Send Us Your Money …   Dictionary of abbreviations

  • cyme — /suym/, n. 1. an inflorescence in which the primary axis bears a single central or terminal flower that blooms first. See illus. under inflorescence. 2. a flat or convex inflorescence of this type. [1595 1605; < L cyma cabbage sprout < Gk kyma;… …   Universalium

  • analcite — /euh nal suyt, an l suyt /, n. a white or slightly colored zeolite mineral, Na(AlSi2O6)·H2O, generally found in crystalline form. Also, analcime /euh nal seem, suym, sim/. [1795 1805; < Gk análk(imos) weak (an AN 1 + álkimos strong) + ITE1] * * * …   Universalium

  • analcite — /ˈænəlsaɪt/ (say anuhlsuyt), /əˈnæl / (say uh nal ) noun a white or slightly coloured zeolite mineral, generally found in crystalline form. Also, analcime /əˈnælsim/ (say uh nalseem), / saɪm/ (say suym). {Greek analkēs weak + ite1} …  

  • cyme — /saɪm/ (say suym) noun 1. an inflorescence in which the primary axis bears a single terminal flower which develops first, the inflorescence being continued by secondary, tertiary, and other axes. 2. a flat or convex inflorescence of this type.… …  

  • Syme family — /saɪm/ (say suym) noun an Australian family known principally for its association with the Melbourne Age. 1. Ebenezer, 1826–60, journalist and newspaper proprietor, born in Scotland; became proprietor of the Age in 1856. 2. his brother, David,… …  

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