- suluçəntəz
- suluçəntəz eləməx’:(Qazax)mübahisə eləmək. – Oturuf mənnən suluçəntəz ele:r
Azərbaycan dilinin dialektoloji lüğəti. Redaktorlar: A.A.Axundov, Q.Ş.Kazımov, S.M.Behbudov.. 2007.
Azərbaycan dilinin dialektoloji lüğəti. Redaktorlar: A.A.Axundov, Q.Ş.Kazımov, S.M.Behbudov.. 2007.
SÜLUC — (Selc. C.) Karlar … Yeni Lügat Türkçe Sözlük
Salack — Recorded in a large number of spellings including:Salack, Sellack, Sellek, Sellick, Sillick, Silix, Sullocke, Zellick and Zelake, this is a surname of several possible national origins. However spelt and from whatever the origin, the meaning as… … Surnames reference
Sellack — Recorded in a large number of spellings including:Salack, Sellack, Sellek, Sellick, Sillick, Silix, Sullocke, Zellick and Zelake, this is a surname of several possible national origins. However spelt and from whatever the origin, the meaning as… … Surnames reference
Sellek — Recorded in a large number of spellings including:Salack, Sellack, Sellek, Sellick, Sillick, Silix, Sullocke, Zellick and Zelake, this is a surname of several possible national origins. However spelt and from whatever the origin, the meaning as… … Surnames reference
Sellick — Recorded in a large number of spellings including:Salack, Sellack, Sellek, Sellick, Sillick, Silix, Sullocke, Zellick and Zelake, this is a surname of several possible national origins. However spelt and from whatever the origin, the meaning as… … Surnames reference
Sillick — Recorded in a number of spellings including:Salack, Sellack, Sellick, Sillick, Silix, Sullocke, Zellick and Zelake, this is an English surname. It originates from a place in the county of Herefordshire, on the Weslh Borders, called Sellack. First … Surnames reference
Zelake — Recorded in a number of spellings including:Salack, Sellack, Sellick, Sillick, Silix, Sullocke, Zellick and Zelake, this is an English surname. It originates from a place in the county of Herefordshire, on the Weslh Borders, called Sellack. First … Surnames reference
Zellick — Recorded in a number of spellings including:Salack, Sellack, Sellick, Sillick, Silix, Sullocke, Zellick and Zelake, this is an English surname. It originates from a place in the county of Herefordshire, on the Weslh Borders, called Sellack. First … Surnames reference
Saint Suliac — Saint Suliac, appelé aussi saint Suliau ou Sulian ou Silio ou Sulien, est un moine gallois évangélisateur du Pays de Galles et de l Armorique au VIe siècle. Il fait partie des saints de l église britannique[1] et des saints bretons d… … Wikipédia en Français
naître — (nê tr ), je nais, tu nais, il naît, nous naissons, vous naissez, ils naissent ; je naissais ; je naquis ; je naîtrai ; je naîtrais ; que je naisse, que nous naissions ; que je naquisse ; naissant, né, v. n. 1° Sortir du sein de la mère, venir… … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré