
bax sibinc. Bazardan bir siviş al

Azərbaycan dilinin dialektoloji lüğəti. . 2007.

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Смотреть что такое "siviş" в других словарях:

  • Sivi Kingdom — Sivi (alias Sibi, Shibi, Shivi) is mentioned as a kingdom and as the name of a king in the epic Mahabharata. Probably there was a Sivi king who became famous as Sivi or the kingdom itself may be named after him. Sivi (alias Sibi, Saivya) king was …   Wikipedia

  • Surasena Kingdom — was ruled by Yadava kings as per the epic Mahabharata. The capital city of this kingdom, Mathura was founded by Shatrughna, the brother of Raghava Rama the ruler of Kosala in Treta Yuga. He conquered this region after defeating the Asura king… …   Wikipedia

  • Trigarta Kingdom — Trigarta was a kingdom mentioned in the epic Mahabharata. Mahabharata mentions two different Trigarta kingdoms, one in the west close to the Sivi Kingdom and the other north to the Kuru Kingdom. Modern Kangra district is one of the ancient town… …   Wikipedia

  • Kurukshetra War and the Kambojas — Among the Kshatriya tribes who had participated in the Kurukshetra war, the Kambojas occupy a very prominent place. They were the allies of Duryodhana and by their bravery, and especially the prowess of their king Sudakshina, they had rendered… …   Wikipedia

  • Dragonmarked house — Dragonmarked houses are organizations in the fictional Eberron campaign setting for the Dungeons Dragons fantasy role playing game that are based on bloodlines descended from families that first manifested dragonmarks. Not all members of the… …   Wikipedia

  • Sindhu Kingdom — Sindhu was a kingdom mentioned in the epic Mahabharata. It strached along the banks of river Sindhu in Pakistan. According to the epic, Jayadratha (the husband of Duryodhana s sister) was the king of Sindhus, Sauviras and Sivis. Probably Sauvira… …   Wikipedia

  • Sauvira Kingdom — Sauvira was a kingdom mentioned in the epic Mahabharata. According to the epic, Jayadratha was the king of Sindhus, Sauviras and Sivis. Probably Sauvira and Sivi were two kingdoms close to the Sindhu kingdom and Jayadratha conquered them.… …   Wikipedia

  • Bahlika Kingdom — All the western Indian kingdoms were known by the general name Bahlika (Vahika, Vahlika and Valhika are variations of the name) meaning outsider . Thus these people were considered as outsiders of the Vedic culture. However, the name Bahlika is… …   Wikipedia

  • Kikata Kingdom — Kikata was an ancient kingdom mentioned in the Vedas. It is believed that they were the forefathers of Magadhas. It lied to the south of Magadha Kingdom.RV 3.53.14 refers to the IAST|Kīkaṭas, a tribe which most scholars have placed in Bihar… …   Wikipedia

  • Itijasa — En el marco de las escrituras sagradas hinduistas, los Itijasa son los escritos épicos que no forman parte de los cuatro Vedas, los textos Bráhmanas y las Upanishad, o sea el Majábharata, el Ramaiana y los Puranas. itihāsa, en el sistema AITS… …   Wikipedia Español

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