- postal
- (Ağdam, Başkeçid, Bolnisi, Borçalı, Cəbrayıl, Culfa, Hamamlı, Qazax, Şəmkir, Şərur, Yevlax)
Azərbaycan dilinin dialektoloji lüğəti. Redaktorlar: A.A.Axundov, Q.Ş.Kazımov, S.M.Behbudov.. 2007.
Azərbaycan dilinin dialektoloji lüğəti. Redaktorlar: A.A.Axundov, Q.Ş.Kazımov, S.M.Behbudov.. 2007.
Postal — Entwickler Running With Scissors, Inc. Publisher … Deutsch Wikipedia
postal — postal, ale, aux [ pɔstal, o ] adj. • 1832; de 1. poste 1 ♦ Qui concerne la poste, l administration des Postes. Service postal. Aviation postale. ⇒ aéropostal. Franchise, taxe postale. Convention postale, relative aux liaisons postales… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Postal 2 — Postal² Pour les articles homonymes, voir Postal. Postal² Éditeur Whiptail Interactive Développeur Running With Scissors Date de sortie … Wikipédia en Français
Postal 2 — Обложка диска Postal 2 Разработчик … Википедия
Postal — Разработчик … Википедия
Postal 2 — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Postal 2 Desarrolladora(s) Running With Scissors Distribuidora(s) Whiptail Interactive, Linux Game Publishing (Version Linux) Motor Unreal Engine 2.0 … Wikipedia Español
Postal — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Para el videojuego, véase Postal (videojuego) Postal del siglo XIX (reverso) La tarjeta postal ilustrada, comunmente llamada postal, tarjeta postal o tarjeta de correo es una pieza rectangular de pa … Wikipedia Español
postal — (De posta). 1. adj. Concerniente al ramo de correos. Servicio postal. 2. f. tarjeta postal. ☛ V. apartado postal, casilla postal, código postal, franquía postal, giro postal, objeto postal, paquete postal, sello postal … Diccionario de la lengua española
poştal — POŞTÁL, Ă, poştali, e, adj. Care aparţine poştei1, privitor la poştă1, folosit de poştă1. ♢ Factor poştal = funcţionar al poştei1, care predă corespondenţa la domiciliu, la destinaţie; poştaş, poştar. – Din fr. postal (după poştă1). Trimis de… … Dicționar Român
Postal — Post al, a. [Cf. F. postal.] Belonging to the post office or mail service; as, postal arrangements; postal authorities. [1913 Webster] {Postal card}, or {Post card}, a card used for transmission of messages through the mails, at a lower rate of… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Postal — can refer to: *Mail, the postal service *The Postal Service, a band * Going postal , the U.S. slang phrase meaning a killing spree * Going Postal , a Discworld novel by Terry Pratchett * Postal (computer game), a series of controversial computer… … Wikipedia