
mozalanın sancması nəticəsində qaçmaq. Bir ala öküz Kahlan təpəsinnən məzəlexlədi nava tərəf

Azərbaycan dilinin dialektoloji lüğəti. . 2007.

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Смотреть что такое "məzəlex’ləməx’" в других словарях:

  • Lex — f. (Plural Leges, lateinisch für „Gesetz“) ist ein Begriff aus dem Römischen Reich, der im weiteren Sinne jede Rechtsvorschrift bezeichnet, im engeren Sinne jedoch nur die Rechtsvorschriften, die einen bestimmten Weg durchlaufen hatten. Ursprung… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Lex Luthor (Smallville) — Lex Luthor is a fictional character from the television series Smallville . He has been a series regular since the pilot episode, being played continuously by Michael Rosenbaum, with various actors portraying Lex as a child throughout the series …   Wikipedia

  • Lex luthor — Personnage de Superman Alias Alexander Joseph Luthor (véritable identité) Mockingbird, The Atom Man, Lex Luthor II, Alexei Luthor (Earth Two) Activ …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Lex — • While official or private collections of Roman Law made under the Empire are called codices, e. g. Codex Theodosianus , probably because they were written on parchment sheets bound together in book form, the title lex was given to collections… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Lex mercatoria — (from the Latin for merchant law ) is the body of commercial law used by merchants throughout Europe during the medieval period. It evolved similar to English common law as a system of custom and best practice, which was enforced through a system …   Wikipedia

  • lex — lex·i·cal; lex·i·cog·ra·pher; lex·i·co·graph·ic; lex·i·cog·ra·phist; lex·i·cog·ra·phy; lex·i·co·log·i·cal; lex·i·col·o·gist; lex·i·col·o·gy; lex·i·con; lex·i·con·ize; lex·i·co·statistic; lex·i·co·statistics; lex·i·graph·ic; lex·ig·ra·phy;… …   English syllables

  • Lex Barker — Lex Barker, geboren als Alexander Crichlow Barker Jr. (* 8. Mai 1919 in Rye, New York; † 11. Mai 1973 in New York City), war ein US amerikanischer Schauspieler. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Leben 1.1 Frühe Jahre 1.2 …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Lex electronica — (lex informatica)  это нормативная система, регламентирующая торговые операции, совершаемые в электронной (информационной) среде; продолжение lex mercatoria. Авторы концепции. Карим Бенихлеф (Karim Benyekhlef)[1]  профессор юридического …   Википедия

  • Lex Scantinia — (sometimes incorrectly referred to as Lex Scantia) was an ancient Roman law (named after aedile Scantinius Capitolinus who had lived around 225 BCE) and introduced in 149 BCE during the Roman Republic that regulated sexual behavior, including… …   Wikipedia

  • Lex Luthor — Personaje de Superman, de DC Comics Primera aparición Action Comics Nº 23 (1940) Creador(es) Jerry Siegel Joe Shuster Interpretado p …   Wikipedia Español

  • Lex orandi, lex credendi — ( Latin loosely translatable as the law of prayer is the law of belief) refers to the relationship between worship and belief, and is an ancient Christian principle which provided a measure for developing the ancient Christian creeds, the canon… …   Wikipedia

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