
(Ordubad, Şərur)
qapının yuxarı hissəsində düzəldilən işıqlıq, pəncərə. – Kəlləlıxda iki göz olar işıx üçün (Ordubad)

Azərbaycan dilinin dialektoloji lüğəti. . 2007.

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Смотреть что такое "kəlləlıx" в других словарях:

  • Lix da Cunha — was an engineering and architect company located in Campinas. By the same name , it was used for civil construction. The SP 75 is named after this company.External links* [http://www.lix.com.br/ Lix da Cunha S.A.] pt icon …   Wikipedia

  • Lix Tetrax — is the demon of the wind, in the Testament of Solomon. Lix is a Greek term relating to the earth, while Tetrax refers to a four season year. The name has been identified with the Ephesian name connected to the wind found on a tablet from Crete.… …   Wikipedia

  • lix — sb., en el. et, lix, ene (mål for en teksts sværhedsgrad) …   Dansk ordbog

  • Lix — (Lixus), phönik. Stadt, s. Araïsch …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • lix|iv|i|ate — «lihk SIHV ee ayt», transitive verb, at|ed, at|ing. 1. to impregnate with lixivium or lye. 2. to subject to lixiviation. ╂[< lixivi(um) + ate1] …   Useful english dictionary

  • lix|iv|i|a|tion — «lihk SIHV ee AY shuhn», noun. the separating of a soluble substance from one that is insoluble by the percolation of water, as alkaline salts from wood ashes …   Useful english dictionary

  • lix|iv|i|um — «lihk SIHV ee uhm», noun, plural i|ums, i|a « ee uh». water impregnated with salts extracted by lixiviation, as lye from wood ashes. ╂[< Late Latin lixīvium, variant of Latin lixīvia < lixīvius or lixīvus made into lye < lixa lye ashes] …   Useful english dictionary

  • lix — an·ti·he·lix; ca·lix; dae·mon·e·lix; fi·lix; fi·lix·mas; ky·lix; lix·iv·i·al; lix·iv·i·ate; lix·iv·i·a·tion; lix·iv·i·ous; lix·iv·i·um; no·tau·lix; pro·lix; pro·lix·i·ty; pro·lix·ly; pro·lix·ness; weil fe·lix; bol·lix; ca·lix·tin; pom·pho·lix;… …   English syllables

  • LIX Legislatura del Congreso de la Unión de México — La LIX Legislatura del Congreso de la Unión está conformada por los Senadores y los Diputados miembros de sus respectivas cámaras. Inició sus funciones el día 1 de septiembre de 2003 y concluyó el día 31 de agosto de 2006. Los Senadores fueron… …   Wikipedia Español

  • LIX Legislature of the Mexican Congress — The LIX Legislature of the Congress of Mexico met from September 2003 to August 2006. All members of the lower house (Chamber of Deputies) of the Congress were elected in the elections of July 2003 while members of the upper house (Senate) were… …   Wikipedia

  • Lix Tetrax —    FALLEN ANGEL and DEMON of the wind. In the Testament of Solomon, Lix Tetrax is summoned to the presence of King SOLOMON by BEELZEBUB, at the king’s orders. The demon appears with his face high in the air and his body crawling like a small… …   Encyclopedia of Demons and Demonology

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