
ilıq. – Hünük su gəti

Azərbaycan dilinin dialektoloji lüğəti. . 2007.

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Смотреть что такое "hünük" в других словарях:

  • HUNÜK — f. Ne güzel! Ne hoş! Ne mutlu …   Yeni Lügat Türkçe Sözlük

  • Huns — The Huns were an early confederation of Central Asian equestrian nomads or semi nomads, [Walter Pohl has remarked early medieval peoples were far less homogeneous than often thought. They themselves shared the fundamental belief to be of common… …   Wikipedia

  • Xionites — Asia in 400 AD, showing the Xionites and their neighbors. Xionites, Chionites, Chionitae, (Middle Persian: Xiyon, Avestan: Xiiaona, Sogdian:xwn), Hunni (Pahlavi:Huna, Yun (Chinese: 狁; pinyin: Yǔn) or Xūn (獯), were a nomadic tribe prominent …   Wikipedia

  • Kidarites — The Kidarite (Chinese: Ki To Lo) dynasty of the Ki clan led the Huna and came from the proto Mongolic Uar about whom it has been said that their legendary ancestor was Afrasiabus. If the Uar were not already present in Turpan, it is thought that… …   Wikipedia

  • Hunni — Yǔn (狁) or Xūn (獯) (Armenian: Hunni, Pahlavi:Huna) is the name of a tribal polity from Turan that organised themselves into Northern Black (beyond the Jaxartes), Southern Red (in Hindu Kush south of the Oxus), Eastern Blue (in Tianshan), and… …   Wikipedia

  • Gulecler — Original name in latin Gleler Name in other language Gulecler, Gleler, Hanuk, Hank, Hunuk, Hnk, Khanyuk State code TR Continent/City Europe/Istanbul longitude 37.95333 latitude 42.53861 altitude 1082 Population 1102 Date 2012 01 18 …   Cities with a population over 1000 database

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