
çəp. – Hökümənin gözləri her-çerdi

Azərbaycan dilinin dialektoloji lüğəti. . 2007.

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Смотреть что такое "her-çer" в других словарях:

  • cer·ti·fi·ca·tion — /ˌsɚtəfəˈkeıʃən/ noun, pl tions 1 [noncount] : the act of making something official : the act of certifying something the certification of the vote She had to wait until her certification as a nurse before she could start her new job. 2 :… …   Useful english dictionary

  • cer·tain·ty — /ˈsɚtn̩ti/ noun, pl ties 1 [noncount] : the state of being or feeling certain about something Scientists still do not know with any degree of certainty why the disease spread so quickly. We cannot predict the outcome with absolute/any certainty.… …   Useful english dictionary

  • cer·ti·fied — /ˈsɚtəˌfaıd/ adj 1 : having met the official requirements that are needed to do particular type of work a certified instructor You must be certified in order to practice medicine. The carpentry work must be done by someone who is certified for… …   Useful english dictionary

  • un|cer´tain|ness — un|cer|tain «uhn SUR tuhn», adjective. 1. not known with certainty; not finally established; in doubt; dubious: »The election results were still uncertain. 2. not sure; doubtful: »to be uncertain if a candidate will win. She came so late that she …   Useful english dictionary

  • un|cer|tain — «uhn SUR tuhn», adjective. 1. not known with certainty; not finally established; in doubt; dubious: »The election results were still uncertain. 2. not sure; doubtful: »to be uncertain if a candidate will win. She came so late that she was… …   Useful english dictionary

  • LÂM-I CER — Kelimeyi cerreden lâm harfi. Kelimenin sonunu i diye okutur. Lillâhi, Lieclillâhi de olduğu gibi. İstihkak ve ihtisas, has ve müstehak ve zarfiyyet, illet mânâsını verir LÂM I TA RİF VEYA LÂM I İ Kelimenin mânâsını umuma teşmil ettiği için,… …   Yeni Lügat Türkçe Sözlük

  • nial — cer·e·mo·nial·ism; cer·e·mo·nial·ist; cer·e·mo·nial·ly; cer·e·mo·nial·ness; con·ge·nial; con·ge·nial·i·ty; con·ge·nial·ly; con·ge·nial·ness; en·nial; ge·nial·i·ty; ge·nial·ize; ge·nial·ly; ge·nial·ness; mat·ri·mo·nial; me·nial·ly; pe·ren·nial·ly; …   English syllables

  • certain — cer|tain1 [ sɜrtn ] adjective *** 1. ) never before noun having no doubts that something is true: SURE: I m not absolutely certain, but I think I m right. certain (that): You can be pretty certain she s not going to like it. certain who: We still …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • certify — cer•ti•fy [[t]ˈsɜr təˌfaɪ[/t]] v. t. fied, fy•ing 1) to attest as certain; confirm: He certified the truth of her claim[/ex] 2) to testify to or vouch for in writing 3) to guarantee; endorse: to certify a document with an official seal[/ex] 4)… …   From formal English to slang

  • cerebral — cer|e|bral [ serəbrəl, sə ribrəl ] adjective 1. ) MEDICAL relating to or affecting your brain 2. ) FORMAL dealing with complicated ideas rather than with emotions: INTELLECTUAL: her rather cerebral style of fiction …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

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