- tataz
- (Bakı)yara. – Qo:şumuzun uşağına tataz düşmüşdü, üzi beleydi ki, külebedid
Azərbaycan dilinin dialektoloji lüğəti. Redaktorlar: A.A.Axundov, Q.Ş.Kazımov, S.M.Behbudov.. 2007.
Azərbaycan dilinin dialektoloji lüğəti. Redaktorlar: A.A.Axundov, Q.Ş.Kazımov, S.M.Behbudov.. 2007.
Buffer overflow protection — refers to various techniques used during software development to enhance the security of executable programs by detecting buffer overflows on stack allocated variables as they occur and preventing them from becoming serious security… … Wikipedia
Tatte — nf terre inculte, friche Suisse, Savoie. Var.: tataz, tattete, tattet. Syn.: bôle, bougerie, briscol, bramafan, dezaley, épesses, grattes, râpe, séchard, vaque, vuauvre … Glossaire des noms topographiques en France