
(Böyük Qarakilsə)
tövlədə hər bir mal üçün ayrılmış yer
damın uzununa qoyulmuş tir. Əvvəl damın üsdə malaraları düzüllər, onun üsdən gond düzüllər

Azərbaycan dilinin dialektoloji lüğəti. . 2007.

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Смотреть что такое "malara" в других словарях:

  • Malara — Malara, in the mythology of the Orokolo, of the south coast of Papua New Guinea, is the god of the planet Venus. The myths indicates that Malara was looking for wives. He found the Eau and Havoa, the daughters of the sun god Maelare, and married… …   Wikipedia

  • Malara Broadcast Group — of Sarasota, Florida, a Delaware corporation, also known as Malara Broadcasting, is a broadcasting holding company. Malara Broadcasting was founded in 2004 by Tony Malara, former president of affiliate relations for CBS. Malara currently owns two …   Wikipedia

  • malara — मलर …   Indonesian dictionary

  • Richard Malara — est un ancien footballeur français né le 9 mars 1948 à Hautmont (Nord (59)). Il était gardien de but et mesurait 1,73 m pour 66 kg. Carrière de joueur ECAC Chaumont (1974 1979) Portail du football …   Wikipédia en Français

  • KDLH — Infobox Broadcast call letters = KDLH city = station station slogan = We Give You MORE station branding = CBS 3 Duluth Northland CW2 Northland s NewsCenter analog = 3 (VHF) digital = 33 (UHF) subchannels = 3.1 CBS 3.2 CW other chs = K59BQ 59Deer… …   Wikipedia

  • WPTA — Infobox Broadcast call letters = WPTA city = station station slogan = A Network of Indiana s NewsCenter station branding = 21 Alive Indiana s NewsCenter Fort Wayne s CW (on DT2) analog = 21 (UHF) digital = 24 (UHF) other chs = affiliations = ABC… …   Wikipedia

  • WISE-TV — Infobox Broadcast call letters = WISE TV city = station station slogan = A New Generation of News station branding = NBC 33 Indiana s News Center My TV Fort Wayne (on DT2) analog = 33 (UHF) digital = 19 (UHF) other chs = affiliations = NBC MNTV… …   Wikipedia

  • WPTA-DT2 — Infobox Broadcast call letters = WPTA DT2 | station station slogan = The CW Television Network for Northeast Indiana station branding = Fort Wayne s CW Indiana s NewsCenter analog = Verizon FiOS 6 Comcast 19 digital = WPTA DT 21.2 (UHF 24)… …   Wikipedia

  • Équipe de France de water-polo masculin — France …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Duopoly (broadcasting) — For other uses, see Duopoly (disambiguation). In United States broadcast television and radio, duopoly is a term used to describe a single company which owns two or more stations in the same city or community. This usage is technically… …   Wikipedia

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